Wednesday, September 16, 2009


While Brianne has mostly repossesed this blog to talk about other purposes, her most recent post inspired me to write here about my most recent FAIL and therefore purge some of my guilt through announcing my complete failure publicly.

I have this thing about wanting my house to smell nice. Not that it smells bad, but I want it to smell nice. I hate the idea of the possibility of having someone come to my house and thinking - their house had a funny smell. You know on Juno when they say "that girl smells like soup"?? I'm trying to avoid that.

In anycase, we can't have candles in our apartements. And all the little glade contraptions just don't seem to do it for me. I've tried a few diffussers. I've walked through Bath and Body Works like millions of time, ultimately leaving with nothing. However, more than a year and a half ago, I heard about a product called a Scentsy. A warmer that uses a lightbulb to melt wax and therefore release lovely smells into the home.

I wanted one then. However, you had to buy through a specific person, etc. etc. and in the end I decided it wasn't worth the cost. Having made that decision, I have thought about it frequently since then. A recent experience led me to looking up some information on their Website where I found that the products can now be ordered online. Hallelujah. So I ordered one and six scents to make my little house smell lovely. That's not bad, right? Waiting a year and a half for something?

But see, that isn't the FAIL. I got a catalog for scents in the mail about a week ago and today my Scentsy arrived. (It's already open and on...). In my excitement for the product and the good scents, I just couldn't help going online and ordering 6 more scents. Good grief. Totally unnecessary. A TOTAL FAIL. At least the guilt can be soothed by the "Welcome Home" scent currently emanating through my house!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Scott had his 10 year high school reunion a few weeks ago. I knew I wanted to get something cute and new to really be impressive. Really trying to avoid the Lance Dyer 1999 reaction "She's HUGE!!"

Soooo anyways, I planned on buying a new dress and found a really cute lacy one that worked perfectly. Well, almost perfectly. The only problem I really had was it had no sleeves, just spaghetti straps. But that's doable. I could wear a shirt under it (still cute) or a black cardigan over. Then the only problem was I didn't have either of those things with me, and I wouldn't be getting back to my house before it was time to go that evening. But we were at the mall! I was bound to find something.

Enter Express and a black cardigan. I didn't even look at the price tag. $50 later at the register, Scott walked over and said "HOW much?" Whoops... Major "Things We Almost Bought" FAIL.

Fast forward to last night we were talking about how I had seen a couple of cute flower girl dresses online that had our wedding colors involved, but they were like $50! Considering the bridesmaids dresses were less than $40, it seemed like more than I wanted to spend. Scott mentions "$50! Its not like you would ever spend that much on a cardigan..."