Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ignorance is bliss...

I don't have anything specific to report that I didn't buy but that is because I've been a very good girl. The thing is that the drive from work to my house is littered with many potential pitfalls including some of the following gems:

I love these stores. Oh do I love these stores. There are days when I leave work and have a little time to kill or sometimes absolutely no where to be the rest of the evening. I think to myself, "I'll just stop by real quick and browse for a second." I say this but deep down I know that if I even step foot into any of these stores, I'll find something on sale or so cute that I "can't live without it." I'll justify clothes by saying things like "this skirt would be perfect for work" or "its so cheap, I can't afford NOT to buy it." And so it goes. I figure if I drive by these stores and I will never see what I can't live without. For me its knowing my weaknesses and avoiding them like the plague. I'll never know what I'm missing.

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