Sunday, April 26, 2009

Talks for Sale...?

I have had a crazy busy week.  So what a great week to have to speak in Sacrament Meeting for 25-30 minutes.  

Suffice it to say that I had gotten no sleep all week and been just going going going.  I came home from taking James to the rodeo on Saturday night and by the time James was in bed and I was situated, it was 11:30p.  No talk.  Not even a word on a sheet of paper.  

I considered faking an illness...  Naahhh... Perhaps I could give the talk I had saved from "Seminary Sunday" when I was a Freshman in High School (a 3 minute talk on Alma 41:10)...  Nope... How about BUYING a talk online?  There's this kid in my ward who I SWEAR buys his stuff online!  He MUST.  He's just not that smart.... Nope, no luck.  But that is what I wish I could have bought: a sort of proverbial "Get out of Jail Free Card," if you will.  

In case you're wondering, I stayed up late and woke up early and (thank you, Holy Ghost) came up with a pretty good talk.  But I so would have bought a talk online had I not been prohibited by this blog from doing so!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. my parents have a few really great references that i always like use... the "talks for tots" series. have you heard of them?
